If you are a player in the French food industry and you are looking for good, healthy and safe ingredients, do not hesitate to contact us.
You probably already know us: of Italian origin, Faravelli is an international distribution group of raw materials, addressing all sectors, starting with the food industry!
We are now also in France, as officially announced last December in Paris during FiEurope!
Faravelli Food Division offers a complete range of food solutions and ingredients for all your applications, including bakery, a sector for which we have developed a specific range.
Thus, our ingredients are able to meet our customers' expectations in terms of flavour, texture, appearance, preservation and safety.
If you are looking for the right ingredient to improve your product offering and increase customer satisfaction, we would be delighted to assist you in your development and/or budgetary savings!
Do not hesitate to contact us for a list of our ingredients and to discuss your projects with our team: